

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Trio Trials

 The Sisters say that day three of the Trio was a "funny" day.
 Sister O claims to be a "walking electromagnetic pulse."
She says she has really bad luck with technology. 
But if that's not enough evidence, she says to ask the broken DVD player in the bedroom and Sister L's broken camera.  Today she accidentally dropped Sister L's camera on the hardwood floor at the church. Luckily Sister L has insurance on the camera. The reason Sis O had the camera is because she lost her camera a year ago.    

 Also, when the Sisters were helping someone set up a wedding reception this afternoon, some keys that they used were misplaced. No one knew who lost them. Everyone looked all over for the keys, but as of tonight, they are still lost.

Sister L might have been jealous about Sister O's bruise,
so when she was running along the road yesterday morning, she
accidentally fell on the sidewalk and got a wound on her knee.
Also, did I mention that Sis M has a little cold?  

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