

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Angel Singers and A Test

 The Sisters have been doing amazing things.
I keep telling people, "These missionaries are breaking all the records!"
I am not positive they are actually breaking records, 
but they are reaching for the stars....
they are working hard to teach lessons and baptize those they teach.
It seems like very day I hear them talking about new investigators and 
upcoming baptisms. They have been responsible for a lot of marriages, too.

 One morning I was getting ready for work and I heard something.
It was very faint, but very beautiful.
Upon investigation, I realized it was coming from the Sister's bedroom.

 I listened outside the door and it sounded like angels!
I quietly turned the doorknob (as not to disturb their music) 
and cracked the door open.... so I could hear them better.

 I startled them, and they quit singing. 
I apologized and they were so sweet about it.
They came out into the living room and gave me my own personalized
Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert before I left for work.

 All three of these Hermanas have beautiful voices.
They go together like girl scout cookies and milk!
The Spirit is so strong when they sing.

 This is a test.
Which set of feet belong to YOUR missionary?
(They were singing a hymn in the living room to practice for a baptism.)

 Which Sister is assembling this for an investigator?

True or False
Did the Sisters eat a communal bowl of cereal for breakfast?
(I found this in the sink when I got up one morning.)
For answers....click on comments


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Angelic singers for sure! Thanks for posting the pictures and taking care of our missionaries. We would recognize Sister O's (California) knees any day. She will have to tell you why. I would not have guessed Sister O (California) built the toy, but I guess babysitting 4 little brothers has paid off. As for the bowl, I am just wondering if they took turns drinking the milk from the built in straw!
    Thanks again, Bro. O (California)
