

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thanks Dad

Yesterday we had a minor emergency.
A shower was in progress when the hot water handle
fell off with the water still running.
There was no way to turn off the water!
This caused quite a stir because Brother Whitley
was gone to do security guard duty at the Nativity.
There were frantic cries (mine), furrowed eyebrows,
and frowns of worry and bewilderment.
I didn't know how to fix it.
The roads were icy....
 and Mike couldn't leave his post anyway.
Oh no! What would we do?
Sister Red Baron sprang into action.
She knew which tool to use to turn off the water.
She knew which tool to use to put the handle back on.
She even knew how to use them.
She was my hero!!
She happily said, "My dad taught me how to use tools."
I've heard of boys being taught cooking skills for their missions,
but never of girls being taught "fixing" skills...until now.
Thanks Brother Red Baron,
without knowing it, you saved the day!


  1. Hooray! you go girl! I have to say Bro. Red Baron is famous for coming to the rescue as Mr. Fix it for everyone in need. She is her Daddy's girl. ;)
