

Monday, December 23, 2013

December Days

 ~Stake Conference Day~
The Sister's ward and our ward went to church together
so they rode to church with us and we came home together.
Afterwards, we took pictures.
Usually the Sisters go to church first, so we don't see them much on Sunday.
 I had never heard of Maxfield Chocolates, but while
I was out shopping the night before, I came across a box, so I got it
for Sister Maximum....just for fun!
She wanted it in her picture.
 This past week the Sisters were without a car.
On Saturday we did a Christmas Workshop with the Grandchildren
and were not available to give the Sister's a ride....
Here they are heading out to a some appointments on foot.
It was cold and raining. I felt so bad sending them off like that...
 These Sisters are working very hard.
You should be so proud of them....
(I'm getting extremely attached to them...)
 They are working hard but they still find moments
to express themselves.
 I caught Hermana Red Baron trying to snap a picture
of Belle....
 And despite their hard walking week,
they still snuck in a few laughs.
They are so looking forward to talking to their families on Christmas Day!

They are happy as larks today because they got their car back!
They REALLY appreciate having wheels after their walking week.
 It is a beautiful sunny day today.
They are off to the library to write and read email.
Two more packages arrived for the Sisters this morning.
One for Sister Maximum and one for Sister RB.
Sister RB told me to report, "Tell my sister-in-law that it was open!"
(She loves the orange sweater.)


  1. WOW! Thanks for the update! You all look so great!! We hope you have a very wonderful and Merry Christmas! Best part for us will be talking to our sister missionary!!!

  2. Thank you for taking such good care of our Sister missionaries! We got to talk to our hermana yesterday and it was the highlight of our Christmas! Having a missionary serve is truly a blessing for us all. Thanks again for the blog and all you do for the Sister's! Merry Christmas!
