

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sabbath Day

Today was an extra special day for the Hermanas
because "the engineers"  were baptized!
(That's what they called them when they first met them.) 
Sister Red Baron and Sister Padlock
had been teaching and fellowshipping them for several
months before she was transferred. Happily, Sister P was able to come back
for the special day. What a wonderful thing.
The baptism was supposed to take place
in the evening, but winter storms were predicted, so the time was moved
up to be held during the 3rd hour of their regular meeting block.
The Hermanas said the room was packed,
so the newest members of the ward received a warm welcome.
We are all so happy that Lilly & David took the first step
of the happy journey as members of Christ's true church.
This day will bless their lives forever!  
The winter storm never materialized, but it is frigid.
The Hermana's are off to brave the cold.
Sister RB and Sister M have dressed in layers...
they say they are wearing at least 2 pairs of everything
to keep warm as they look for people to teach tonight.
(We found some gloves for those bare hands just after this was taken)
They are very dedicated to the work of the Lord.
It has been a wonderful Sabbath Day! 


  1. Yea!!! We are so excited for our Sister's and for the engineers who got baptized. We have been praying for them! Thank you for the update!

  2. SO EXCITING!!! And such beautiful pictures! Thank you so much!
