

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our Newest Hermana

 I want to introduce you to our newest Hermana.
She has lived here for one whole week now.
I am going to nickname her Sister ReeKay because 
I don't use the missionaries regular names on my blog.
She is so beautiful. She was born in Mexico.
Her family moved to the States when she was young.
Sister ReeKay is a middle child--but an oldest girl.
At home, she has two pet dogs. 
But at our house,
she will live with a cat named Jingle-Belle.
Belle, for short.
 Sister Maximum and Sister ReeKay
have been spending so much time together
working and getting to know each other
that it seems I have barely seen them.
Although I have to admit that
I have also been very busy this week.
 Sister Maximum has graduated to being the driver now.
The Hermanas said that today they were very busy.
They had a district meeting,
then they went to lunch as a district.
They did their regular weekly service.... 
(they organized cans of food).
They taught a lesson with a member present....
then they knocked on some doors.
They had dinner with some members....
then they knocked on some more doors.
One scheduled lesson fell through...
then they taught another lesson.
 Hermana ReeKay told me she loves the Savior.
She is happy to be on her mission.
The Hermanas worked all day on Easter Sunday.
They pit-stopped at our house for a quick Easter dinner,
then it was back to doing their missionary work.
 You can see that they have had a very
busy schedule.
 Yesterday was P-day.
They cleaned, they washed, then they were gone
until just before they went back to work in the evening.
I have not seen enough of Sister ReeKay
to know her very well yet.
But one thing I do know about her
is that she likes mail, too.
Here is proof that yesterday was P-day.
Every Tuesday we always have mail-to-go
attached to our mailbox.
I think LDS missionaries are what keeps
the US postal service in business!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how awesome! Thank you for the darling pictures and for feeding them Easter dinner and everything else that you do for our daughters! You are simply amazing and we are so grateful for you! So nice to meet Hermana ReeKay and the other two sisters that stopped by for a visit!!! Such a wonderful mission family our daughter gets to be a part of!!! How blessed we are! Thanks again!
