

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hot, Hotter & Other Things

 The Sisters took this picture of the dashboard in their car yesterday.
It was 118 degrees! They said they were SO HOT!!!
 10:00 a.m. this morning in our back yard.
 6:00 p.m. tonight

10 p.m. -- You can see....it does not cool down here at night.
 Despite the heat, they were happy Hermana's when they came home tonight.
They were heavy laden. I asked them, "What in the world do you have in your arms?"  They explained that they wanted to keep their car clean
(So this was the trash from inside the car). 

They just looked so cute.

I love the scarf/bow in Sister L's hair!
Then they sat down at the table to eat bowls of cereal
and do their evening planning.

They were talking to Sister O (from California) on speaker phone.  
I told Sister O to smile for the camera because I was going to
put her on the blog one last time!
I made a certificate of excellence for these sisters because
they even keep their car clean!!!
PS. They said to tell you that tomorrow is a holiday and they
don't know if they will be able to email or not.
I told them they could use our computer, but I think they have to
get special permission for that....so we'll see.


  1. Wow, oh, Wow, too HOT! I Love seeing my Hermana looking so cute! Love that girl, and love to hear about the work that she is doing. We talked to the missionaries here today, so fun to have missionaries around. Thanks for taking good care of them! Love, Mom L :)

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